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burlap wrapped snapdragonsDo you need a sweet, simple way to thank someone?

You do?  Well then I’m so glad you are here today.

And, don’t you agree that sometimes the smallest ways of saying “thank you,” are the best?

It’s the little things that make life wonderful, I think.

The big moments are grand and very memorable.

But, it’s all those little things together that make our lives meaningful, especially when you’re creating something special to thank a friend, a neighbor or a hardworking volunteer.

Now, I don’t want to say that I invented this.

Because of course I did not.

But, I did not find it on Pinterest.  Does that count?

A very obliging Walmart helped me with all that I needed except for two small items (and they probably had those too).

how to wrap plastic grower pots in burlap and ribbon

I should have called these “rustic” burlap wrapped snapdragons.

Somehow, when you add in the word “rustic,” you can instantly breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the finished project (or recipe) is going to be slightly imperfect.

And, that’s okay.

Here is what you’ll need:


plants in 3 inch grower’s pots (plastic pots)

rubber bands

wide grosgrain ribbon

sharp fabric scissors

a ruler or yardstick

Step 1: Cut the burlap into 6-inch by 9-inch strips

Step 2:  Center one pot on top of a burlap rectangle

Step 3: Gather up the burlap around the pot, holding tightly with one hand

Step 4: With your other hand, secure a rubber band around the pot

Step 5: Tie a 9-inch length of grosgrain ribbon around the rubber band

I chose to do a simple square not, but you can always tie a bow.  You’ll just need a longer length of ribbon.

And,  voilà…a cute burlap wrapped snapdragon!

snapdragon wrapped in burlap and ribbon

I think they would make a pretty decoration down the center of your dining room table for Easter brunch or dinner.

Or if you’re looking ahead…Mother’s Day.

thank you flags and banners

If you’d like to make the cute, paper flags to stick into your finished burlap wrapped snapdragons then read on.

Here is what you’ll need:

1 12-inch x 12-inch piece of scrapbook paper

wooden toothpicks or mini cocktail skewers (I used the latter)

12-inch paper cutter

glue stick

black felt tip pen

Step 1: Cut 3/4-inch strips of scrapbook paper using your 12-inch paper cutter

Step 2:  Cut 2, 5 1/4-inch strips from 1 12-inch strip of scrapbook paper

Step 3: Fold 1 5 1/4-inch strip in half and use your glue stick on one side of the fold and into the fold iteself

Step 4: Place the mini wooden skewer at the fold line and fold in half, pressing to secure

Step 5: Write “Thank you!” or another message with the felt tip pen and snip the edge to make a V shape with your sharp scissors

Thanks so much for following along today.  I’ll be back tomorrow with a recipe.
